Cockatiel Eggs Not Hatching After 21 Days

Why Are Your Cockatiel Eggs Not Hatching After 21 Days? Discover the Reasons!

Hello, fellow bird lovers! It’s always a thrilling experience when our pet cockatiels lay eggs. However, the excitement can quickly turn into concern if we notice the eggs are not hatching even after 21 days. So, what could possibly be wrong? Today, we will delve into the fascinating world of cockatiel hatching, explore the possible causes why the eggs are not hatching, and what you as a bird parent can do about it.

Explanation of the common issue: Cockatiel eggs not hatching after 21 days

Bird mothers eagerly await their offspring hatching from the eggs for about 18-21 days. But what if these expectations turn into disappointments, and these balls of wonder don’t break into chirping life? Let’s take a closer look at the hatching process of cockatiels.

Overview of the normal hatching process of cockatiel eggs

Before hatching, the cockatiel embryo develops inside the egg for approximately 18 to 21 days. Around this time, you might observe some movement from the egg, a tell-tale sign that your cuddly little cockatiel is ready to hatch. However, various problems can lead to hatching delays or even result in the egg never hatching.

Understanding The Ideal Cockatiel Hatching Process

Cockatiel Hatching Process

Explanation of the cockatiel hatching timeframe (18-21 days)

Typically, a cockatiel egg should start showing signs of development within 18-21 days post-laying. This development timeframe is generally consistent, assuming the eggs are fertile and have been provided with the ideal incubation conditions.

Description of signs of a healthy and developing egg

Healthy eggs will attain a slightly fuller look and weight over the incubation period. What’s more, they emit a pinkish glow when candled, showing the existence of veins, a sign that an embryo is developing inside!

Importance of necessary conditions for successful hatching

To nurture the developing embryo, conditions like temperature, humidity, and careful rotation of the eggs are crucial. Any drastic changes in these environmental factors can distress the developing chick, leading to development arrest.

Common Causes of Unhatched Cockatiel Eggs

In-depth discussion on infertile eggs: symptoms, causes, and prevention

An infertile egg is a common reason why eggs don’t hatch. These eggs usually remain clear when candled and show no signs of development even after 21 days. Age, stress, health disorders, or even a poorly balanced diet in parents can cause it. Providing your cockatiels with a balanced diet and minimum stress can help prevent infertility issues.

Detailed analysis on improper incubation: temperature, humidity, and rotation issues

A fluctuated incubation environment can adversely impact the hatching process. The ideal temperature for cockatiel eggs hatching is between 99.5 and 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Providing an environment with a humidity level between 55% to 60% and periodically rotating the eggs gently can help ensure viable chicks.

Examination of parental neglect: Signs, reasons, and solutions

If you observe that the parent cockatiels are not regularly sitting on the eggs or appear disturbed, it could be due to stress, illness, disturbance, or inexperience. You may need to step in, provide a quiet environment, monitor their health, or even consider artificial incubation.

Unseen Health Problems in Cockatiels

Exploration of health disorders in parent birds affecting egg fertilization

Certain health conditions, such as obesity or hormonal imbalances in parents, can lead to poor egg formation or infertility. Consult with a vet for a complete health checkup if you suspect such issues.

Description of nutritional deficiency: what nutrients are essential for cockatiel reproduction and how their absence affects hatching?

Nutrition plays an integral role in the overall reproductive health of cockatiels. They require a diet rich in proteins, calcium, vitamins A, D, E, and K for fertile eggs. Providing a balanced diet will aid in properly formed, fertile eggs.

Discussion on stress and its effects on cockatiel reproduction

Stress, either due to environmental changes, illness, or even disturbances, can impact fertility and hatching of eggs. Providing a calm environment for your cockatiels during breeding time is vital.

Proper Care for Cockatiel Breeding

 Care for Cockatiel

Explanation of optimized breeding environment

An optimized breeding environment includes a secure, quiet place, kept at correct temperature and humidity, with minimum disturbance, and offering good nutrition.

Discussion on proper diet for parent cockatiels during breeding

Parent cockatiels require a diet full of nutrients like fresh fruits, vegetables, fortified seeds, boiled eggs, and cuttlebone for essential calcium.

Tips for handling eggs during incubation

You should handle them with clean hands, rotate them gently, and avoid any sudden changes in temperature or humidity.

When to Seek Professional Help

Signs and symptoms that warrant a visit to the vet

If the eggs still aren’t hatching after appropriate care or if the parenting cockatiels look unwell, it’s time to consult a vet.

Understanding professional tests and treatments to identify and solve hatching issues

Vets might opt for tests such as x-rays, ultrasounds, or endoscopy to identify the problems. Solutions might include medication, supplementation, or even hospitalization if required.


Hatching issues in cockatiels can occur due to various reasons like infertile eggs, improper incubation, health disorders, nutritional deficiency, or stress. Providing the right environment and proper care can significantly improve the hatching success.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the ideal temperature for cockatiel eggs hatching?
    The ideal temperature range is between 99.5 and 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. How can you tell if cockatiel eggs are infertile?
    Infertile eggs remain clear when candled after 10 days of incubation.
  3. What should I feed my cockatiels during breeding?
    Ensure a balanced diet rich in proteins, calcium, and essential vitamins.
  4. When should I consult a vet if the eggs do not hatch?
    If the eggs do not hatch even after 25-30 days or the parent cockatiels look unwell, consult a vet immediately.
  5. How can I help my cockatiels if they are neglecting their eggs?
    Try to provide them with a quiet environment, monitor their health, and consider artificial incubation.
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About Me

I’m Kamran, a co-founder and content creator at With 8+ years in the world of avian enthusiasts, I’ve gained extensive knowledge in caring for birds. From egg-laying and mating to cohabitation with other birds, dietary needs, nurturing, and breeding, I’m here at to share valuable insights for your avian companions.

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